Types of voice and singing lessons are general categories that are used to describe the voices in singing with particular qualities. It is important to remember that this category may sometimes be very vague, and it is possible that people can pass from one type to another without noticing, especially under the guidance of a teacher in a music school. Most of the singers spend years developing his voice before coming into operation, and is common that instructors abstain classify their students until they have developed their voices in more detail. The basic types of voice and singing lessons for women, from highest to lowest rank, are: soprano, mezzo-soprano, and contralto. For men, the voice types are: countertenor, tenor, baritone and bass.
Children are considered to have acute voices, that changes as they enter puberty. Within each of these types of voice, there is a great variety, and many music traditions divided types of voice more accurately. In addition to talking about the types and kinds of singing, people also talk about the individual variety of a singer, that can vary the dynamics of his voice, and applying other unique qualities that can affect the sound of your voice. Some singers have voices that are so distinctive that people can identify them instantly. In the field of opera, some works are written specifically for certain vocesy with certain classes of piano, which is difficult for other singers.
Among the sopranos, there is a great variation. Sopranos in coloratura that are characterized by being able to hit the higher end of the soprano range, are bright voices that lend themselves very well to decorate a complex musical composition. The soprano is a more silky voice, reaching a midrange, while dramatic sopranos hitting the lower end of the range, with a dark voice, very near the mezzo-soprano. The mezzo-soprano are very common, has often have flexible and dynamic ranges. Vocals contralto, by contrast, are very rare, very enrriquecidas, intense voices that may sound very strange. The contra-tenor is equivalent male contralto, and is also a very rare voice type. The tenors have a light, clear voice, which are both divided as sopranos with specific categories such as lyrics and dramatic. The baritone is the range of the most common male voice, a rich range of voice media can be classified into a number of categories. The Netherlands are deeper male voices, which often works well in comic roles.