Mobile Internet of the fourth generation, are better than ever attention we long. But when will the promising long term at last on the network evolution, short LTE? Since the auction of the vacant spectrum between the four major mobile operators Telekom, Vodafone, O2 and E-Plus, you expect the starting shot for the new generation of mobile Internet. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Tony Parker. UMTS RF voltmeter must be equipped with LTE. In the Eastern States began the LTE network to spread. The aim is no longer the heavily-populated areas, where now stands a fast Internet access, but the little-populated places. Judging from locations 500 LTE at the end of the year of an actual value.
It is in the nature of man, that you only once sceptical stand innovations and researched the benefits for themselves. These are summarised below for you. New technology, this conclusion would be that we must create new hardware to use it. The Schaffer revise this statement. LTE is backwards compatible. Therefore, each is UMTS hardware, WiMAX or HSDPA device with LTE compatible. Anywhere and at any time it is now possible to use the Internet for different bandwidths used by LTE and once no LTE availability is at the site on a different standard of available used. It is not necessary to install new LTE RF voltmeter, because the old ones only have to be equipped.
Absolute advantage of LTE is the unbeatable high speed Internet connection. Up to 300 Mbit / s to be carried out in the future. DSL, VDSL or cable Internet request the installation of physical lines, which require a huge expense. Funkbetriebenes Internet accounts for these costs and make DSL uneconomic in the long term. UMTS phones often disgruntled by a very long latency period. After each loading a Web page, the connection was interrupted and restored only in the event of a renewed interaction. Often more than 1000 templates between hibernation and activism ms. This prevented mobile TV or video telephony. LTE is a continuous connection to the Internet and the Response time is shortened to 50 ms. LTE enjoys a very high safety standard. This is due to the Datenpaketorientierten transmission on the basis of the IP protocol. The quality of service”prioritizes latency, and bit rate. A revolution will probably experience the mobile TV in the next few years. The LTE standard makes it again possible to use broadcast and Multicastdienste. Mobile TV was already dead believed since it was not acceptable speed and quality. But now it is back to imagine that again can be for longer trips on mobile entertainment thanks to LTE. The question remains only in how far are the manufacturer solutions considering significantly increasing the battery life, because based on the elaborate graphics, data transfer rates and small size of the batteries is to suggest that there is still considerable room for improvement.