Every morning for about 5 minutes alarm turns on and played his electronic voice "in the garden is a garden." I do not know the neighbors, and I would probably mad) – from neighbors on the side (on the one hand, they still exist) can be heard through the wall is not very loud phone conversations, and of course music, movies, etc. Identified the following place of penetration of sound and taken appropriate action. 1) electrical outlet. Through the outlet can be a lot to hear, simply annexing the ear. It turned out that inside the supplied unattached plastic cup, followed by a deep cavity, almost to the neighbors. I cut foam cylinders and stuffed into the cavity.
At the top of all the fortified cement mortar. Sounds and conversations ceased. That is an ear attachment to an outlet showed an absolute effect on the lead of the event. 2) radiators. Pipes batteries go into the floor and the ceiling.
And these places are by default are the best for the penetration of the sounds and smells as well as from its neighbors, as it was for me. There are two options: a) tube inserted into the battery is not directly in the cement floor and in the other tube. And so between the pipes, there are gaps through which one could see the light of the apartment below. This gap, I closed up the usual putty. b) tube directly let into the floor. And in case a), and for the case b) I gouging chisel and hammer the cement around the base of the batteries. This was done quite easily.