The Trajectory

The trajectory of Zulma Lobato in the world of the chimento, began in a cable channel of the news. By his bad image and terrible performance in the song one became pearlite of almost all the dedicated programs to collect the peculiarities of tele. The last week, the journalist of spectacles Susana Roccasalvo in its channel program 26, summoned to Lobato to living of its program, in which also was Mitch, another mediatic personage, who at all the moment tried to Zulma of man; the answer of this one went to attack it blows in front of the cameras. After showing the hidden camera to him, that did Saturday the past to him in Passion of Saturday, the bailantero Ricky Wonder began to strike the actors who participated in this joke. Ricky struck the participants of the camera hides when they dealed with ” gatos” to his ” Rikytas”. Neither the conductor Hernn Cairo nor his companion, Marcela Baths, could think what he was happening live, by America. Although no longer it is in the air the program Dancing by Sueo (today it absents of the screen), the chimenteros cycles must adapt to the course change of ShowMatch, that now that turns 20 years and has bet to humor.

Thus, with renovation winds, Guido Suller reappeared, that in the program ” The Professionals of Siempre” he presented/displayed his supposed son of 20 years, whom knew through Facebook. Supposed paternity that was verified false, the past Saturday to the night in program 70.20.10, lead by Chiche Gelblung. In this televising cycle, Guido Suller confirmed that although it finished verifying that was not its biological son, in it would adopt the future it and take care of like so. Entr to I Vote to you and dull by your they fan!