Online voting is finished: now the winners are: can the title ‘Mrs.Sporty of 2011’ Anja coin from Kaiserslautern and Monika are guts from Hurth. Their strong stories stirred and convinced the online voter. This year, the women’s sport chain had again picked the most beautiful personal success stories of its members. A dream weekend in a luxury hotel in Berlin, as well as an exclusive photo shoot awaits the two winners, as well as eight more finalists. Many have applied themselves, many have voted, have won two: the 45 year old Anja coin and the 38 year-old Monika are the Mrs.Sportys of the year 2011 balls “. The women’s sport chain hotel would be on the final on 4 June in the presence of the press in the Ellignton.
There, finalists in exclusively designed outfits will present themselves de 10: elegant, sporty and businesslike. Any professional images of the pictures gets as a gift. Mrs.Sporty is very proud of and sincerely congratulates the winners and the finalists. Tolle Thanks to Mrs.Sporty that training and the nutrition at Mrs.Sporty change the lives of the women positively so come success stories again and again amazing and unique success stories from the clubs. The chain of women’s sport is of course interested in the development of its members and therefore chooses the Mrs.Sporty of during recent years.” With more than 150,000 members in more than 450 clubs, there are many stories. This year’s winners were convinced the online voter with their great success stories that show how much you can change concept with the Mrs.Sporty, even if one has actually already given up hope. Both Anja coin and Monika MUMM has skyrocketed through the medication after surgery on weight and get health problems.
After a long unsuccessful search, she could recover back their normal weight and above all their Joie de vivre with Mrs.Sporty. The title Mrs.Sporty of 2011 “is still the icing on their personal success. Suitable for everyday use It lacks many women on the right motivation to move and the practicality of training training concept as well as the winners. Mrs.Sporty is right there: only 2-3 times 30 minutes circuit training in the week enough to achieve sustainable success. In addition an individual, everyday nutrition on request. There’s no excuse, because 30 minutes there is always time, “Anja says coin. More info: Jessica Michibata. And their fellow winner says: “The training do really fun, because it is very varied.” “The right motivation it is also at the Club: one is praised much of the trainers, what extra motivated”, Monika tells guts. “Both women appreciate the Mrs.Sporty Club the familial and friendly atmosphere among women: it’s so good to be among like-minded people”, says Anja coin. In addition, the trainers to know everyone is named and worry about the individual problems individually. Mrs.Sporty is very happy about the satisfied members and their great achievements. The choice of the Mrs.Sporty of Year”honors these services and to continue to motivate. Because of the success of the members is the success of Mrs.Sporty. Therefore, the choice is a big, important event and will be celebrated at the 04.06.2011 along with the finalists.