Three Phrases Magical

Please, thank you and with permission, are three rules of courtesy that positively influence our public relations. Please: two words that invite to participate, live and grant. Imagine requesting something without using these words, is likely to get it, but in a wrong way. The magic of the Por favor motivates people to make them feel important. Jorge Perez describes an additional similar source. Thank you: after asking for something it is essential to add the appreciation, leaving the door open for a friendly and lasting relationship. With permission: originally the phrase was: with his kind permission, this phrase gives special treatment to our partner to ask their consent to remove us or take something. These three phrases are magic words that grant wishes and allow a relationship of cordiality and respect. Despite being very obvious, there are many people who forget these three phrases, take this into account and will get good results in its commercial and public relations. The power of ideas Ramon Salop changes paradigms author original and source of the article.