Visiting Dombay

One of the tourist routes of spoken by seasoned travelers, if he, by his own feet on the entire route was to Alibekskogo glacier, then you have not been in Dombae Alibeksky glacier – is the only one that falls to the forest zone. To reach it It is within the power and unprepared for the mountain hiking person. Start climbing route from Camp "Alibek", which is located five kilometers from the Dombai clearing. Tourists are brought in off-road vehicles to do not bother tourists trekking in the valley. From "Alibek" tourists climb the trail to the general flowering meadow. From the glades are already several paths in different directions.

On one of them, making their way through the birch grove, it is possible access to a large almost 30 meter waterfall. On another trail we reach the Turemu lake, formed by glacier meltwater. This trail crosses several times mountain streams. Here, on Turem lake is legendary house named Vizbora house. From this beginning the ascent route to the top of Dombey. Visiting Dombay fall, you will get an unforgettable pleasure. In the winter holiday is moved to the ski slopes, tourists spend here all most of the time.

Ski slopes in Dombai varying degrees of complexity, mnogoocherednye system lifts rentals, a large number of cafes, kebab houses, bars. In Dombae skate like the pros and Beginner skiers and snowboarders. Slopes in Dombai wide enough and flat enough to begin lessons on the ski slope with a professional instructor. For professional and good skiers, there are free riders and off-piste descents. On these slopes there is everything and for everyone to have a good time. For those who arrived without their equipment, do not worry, there is a large number of rental agencies, where you will offer you all necessary at all levels on a slope. The cost of ski rental from 150 to 350 rubles a day.