Carlos Hernandez

When the clock gives the four in the morning, tamborileros and flautistas disguised of ” charivari” they start up with night lights put in the head. The night of Tuesday is spent mainly to ” Guggemuusige” , that fills the city with their unexpected cacophonies. In the city of Basel we found one of most important of Europe, the masks and colouristic disguises do one of the best visual spectacles next to the famous exhibition of lights. Madeira (Portugal) Under the motto ” Seas and Ocanos” it is celebrated in Funchal, the capital of this most famous island of all the Portuguese carnivals. The full city of lights, half-naked pens, bodies and much music that, to the rate of samba and other many salseras cadences, it prevents to stop dancing a single moment. The algid moment is the night of Saturday, when it is called on to leave to the allegorical courtship, with his queens, marine sirens and other creatures. Nize (France) During eleven days the capital of the Blue Coast lives carnival like a great exquisite spectacle, with an atmosphere in the street much more calmed and calm that in other carnivals.

Their battles of flowers and cavalcades are true works of art, where each detail of the choreography and clothes is a waste of elegance and ” to savoir faire” French. This year twenty floats accompanied by more than thousand musicians and dancers recreate the passion by the environment through motto ” The King of the Azul” Planet;. Carlos Hernandez is vagamundos enthusiastic, always arranged to make the knapsack and to send themselves to the adventure. Return in house, it enjoys like a boy relating to us experiences and mysterious histories people and places.

Assessorship Director

The Director will take the demonstration for the patio of fbrica.’ ‘ Of: Head of Production Stops: Master ‘ ‘ In the friday, to the 17 hours, the Director, for the first time in 78 years, goes to appear in the refectory of the plant to film Halley, the famous scientist and its team naked. Everybody must be there of helmet, therefore it goes to be presented a show on the security in rain. The Director will take the band for the patio of fbrica.’ ‘ Of: Master Stops: Employees ‘ ‘ Everybody naked, without exception, must be with the security in the patio of the plant in the next friday, to the 17 hours, therefore the big shot (the Director) and the Sr.Halley, famous guitarist, will be there for showing to the film ‘ rare; ‘ Dancing in chuva’ ‘. In case that he starts to rain exactly, he is for going for the refectory of helmet in the same hour. The show will be there, what it occurs to each 78 anos.’ ‘ ACKNOWLEDGMENT FOR ALL: ‘ ‘ In the friday the head of the Direction goes to make 78 years, and liberated generality pra party, to the 17 hours in the refectory. It goes to be there, pay for the big shot, Bill Halley and its comets. Everybody must be naked and of helmet, because the band is much insane person and the rock goes to even roll untied in the patio, exactly with chuva.’ ‘ My solution: ‘ ‘ The managing president convokes all the employees for meeting in the patio of the company, friday, 17 hours. If it will be raining, the meeting will be in refeitrio.


Perpassados for the cold sword of the capitalism. Reduced mere the parts of reproduction and the famous and tipsy consumers. Mutilated so that let us fit in this system Space for the integral man does not exist. We live the time of the reducionismo. The time of ‘ ‘ it makes of conta’ ‘ of the extenuante search of the personal accomplishment. Let us rebel us, exactly in dragging, mutilated; as shipwrecked.

Let us free an shout: they help them! We are here! They stop! They listen to them! We are here! Twisting us in pitiful state of shortage. Drowned in the of great volume ocean of quiet quiet laws. Shipwrecks! In a sea of order and clutter. They stop! We are here! We demand respect. They look at! We do not have face We do not have to look at we do not have word we are mutilated. Mutilated reliable Mutilated and infuriated. Mutilated and one orphan ‘ ‘ State lastimvel’ ‘.

Who goes to occupy the space of the lastimvel, denying State of the respect and the decency? Presumption guard of the right? We live moments difficult We live difficult and decisive moments in the consisting institutions. Transformed into kitchens of that if they smear eating vsceras of needy victims of the blackout. Revolting men of stomach who if feed of men Cannibals! Men of ‘ ‘ urnas’ ‘ morturias Sedentos cannibals of blood and meat without rotten life Infuriate! to drink? Lgrimas, is clearly! Tears of defenseless victims Predators of the silence of the sick children in ‘ ‘ filas’ ‘ of the poverty. Cannibals! Devoradores of old skin and bone of Old of lost looks Of vacillating hands Of weak shoulders Forgotten faces. Men of the morturias ballot boxes, regents of the spectacle ‘ ‘ forecourt of the heads voadoras’ ‘. Usurpers of rights of the passive victims of the ignorance! Anxiety Advances Tires ….. Mutilated cannibal also I am! Predator-of-me-mesmo.At when I will attend absorbed, incrivelmente other people’s and distracted, to the escabroso spectacle of famous corja of corrupt mutiladores of already human specters as I? Until when I will say ‘ ‘ sim’ ‘ to the vile game of the morturia corruption that if makes gift to the funeral of the democratic values; singing and dancing, to the embriagador sound of a ballot box that only confirms? Yes, mutilated and mutilador I am! Until when Until when my full mouth of food and the difficult breath for the inebriante drink, spilled on the table of ‘ ‘ supper farta’ ‘ , it will make to silence the shout and to stifle soluo of the world it are there? I will be a coward cannibal? Comensal careless in a particular world? Mine? Only mine? My lap? Until when Until when my smile the truth will disfarar bothers that me? My easy yellow smile It will ignore the dismal smile of the dead-livings creature? Until when the racket of the party, with its alucinante sound, it will protect me of the hungry ones that they teimam in populating my nightmares? Insistent what beat to the door of mine, uneasy and desventurada, conscience? Compassion. Compassion Until when I will mumble displicentemente the old phrase: HAPPY NEW YEAR, in the old one world of mine I? Until when! It says me? Until when! Happy old year! How let us learn something with it!